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This weekend I am in Milan to study and learn high-end faux-marble contemporary finishes for decorators. Marbleizing is the preparation and finishing of a surface to imitate the appearance of polished marble. It is typically used in buildings where the cost or weight of genuine marble would be prohibitive.

Stone painting was widely used in Pompeii, but it really took off in Europe during the Renaissance when two schools of faux painting developed. The Italian school was loose and artistic, the French school was formal and realistic. It typically took an apprentice 10 years or more to fully master the art!

The art of marbling and graining reached its apogee in Britain between 1845 and 1870, and during this period the acknowledged master was Thomas Kershaw, whose artworks were often considered to be indiscernible from the original. He undertook work in many large houses, mansions and stately homes throughout England and Wales. In 1858 he produced one of his important works in the Blue Room in Buckingham Palace, where all the pillars were done in imitation marble.



Francesca Tosca Robicci - Literary Paintings ®

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